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Photo by Chris Montgomery and Christina @ on Unsplash

Mentoring — a coach’s guilty pleasure?

Photo by Chris Montgomery and Christina @ on Unsplash Is best practice executive coaching really excellent coaching with moments of mentoring where appropriate? This was the focus of an EMCC webinar led by Nigel Cumberland today, as part of the EMCC GPS series. For me, ultimately, it’s about not…

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Innovative leadership using Theory U

Theory U is a process for innovative change in teams, organisations, and communities. It helps us tackle our toughest unresolved challenges. It offers fantastic insights to leaders too, about how to bring about meaningful change and innovation. A bit about me and TheoryU I have been learning about Theory U since 2015. I had…

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Understanding collaborative change, listening and problem solving

TheoryU is a complete process for innovative change. Andry has been learning about TheoryU since 2015. Learning Journeys are just one of the TheoryU tools. What are Learning Journeys’ for? TheoryU ‘Learning Journeys’ encourage you to move out of your daily routine and allow you to observe more deeply and…

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The 6 secrets to team away day events

You either love team-building events or you hate them. I dislike team away-days that are full of back-to-back speaker presentations. But I’d love to go to a paintball team away day. My favourite team away days are the facilitated ones, where we chat, explore ideas, innovate, and plan our new way forward…

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