How to succeed at team coaching: four top tips

Team coaching, ‘solutions circles’ or ‘case clinics’ is a cost-effective organisational coaching approach.  It empowers your groups and teams to discover solutions, foster innovation, improve communication, and enhance overall teamwork. In this post - based on my experience of leading dozens of team coaching events - I’ll share four top tips to make…

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A strong network for resilience

  • Post category:Resilience

Research shows that resilience is undoubtedly strengthened by networks of people that you trust and can connect with. This  sustains you through difficult times. A strong work network, for example, offers you opportunities to ask other people for guidance, tap into resources and find others with the right services that you…

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Tips for innovating on longer L&D programmes

Tips for innovating on MAC programmes On longer L&D programmes, such as Manager as Coach (MAC), there are a range of ways you can innovate. For example, if you have the capacity, you can factor in a small amount of ‘scaffolding time’ – this is extra structure that enables you to…

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Taking time to step back and reflect is essential for good decision-making. As well as for learning from your work experiences, it’s an approach that supports you to listen deeply to your intuition too. Several years ago, I was learning on a theoryU programme. There was focus on deep listening, journaling and reflective practice…

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