Whether you work in FE teaching or supporting others, we all need to be more resilient right now.
1. Notice your energy levels when you are online. And as soon as you can, do what you need to help adjust them, e.g. walk, snack, a chat or rest. Is your energy low, middle, running on adrenalin etc..?Noticing and supporting your energy throughout the day helps you be more focused and present for your teaching and meetings.
2. Connect online with colleagues you get on with really well. Have a non-work chat for a change. Have a quick check-in to give you a bit of a boost. A strong support network really builds resilience as a coach.
3. Mindset work: Imagine a resilient day of online teaching, work and meetings. See yourself being really adaptable and having staying power. Now take one small step inspired by this mindset work.
Learn more about resilience at our online learning page for staff in organisation and for individuals
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