Micro-moments of reflection

In an era of rush, change and fast paced life, the need for pausing and reflecting  has never been more essential.

Several years ago, I was learning TheoryU. On the programme, we focused on deep listening, journaling and reflective practice. On creating space, to find out what motivates and inspires at work and in life. I recall a whole philosophy about stopping, reflecting and the impact this could have on decisions you make. Of course there was the ‘how to’ pause and reflect. We learned that the actions and conversations taking place after pausing and reflecting were more likely to have a positive impact. That’s because those conversations and decisions come from a deeper less reactive place.

Our busy work culture pushes us to do more, overcommit, mistrust the value of pausing and reflecting. It dismisses the value of quiet and silence. For me, through mini moments of meditating, journaling and healing martial arts like Qi Gong, I’ve learned that regular daily space for quiet and reflective practice is powerful stuff. I’ve decided that in my busy life, I will make micro-moments of reflection and pausing possible – however busy I am.

Whether I’m reflecting for a few moments on coaching sessions, writing a response to a journaling prompt, or pausing to check in and see how my energy is, it’s always useful to stop, notice, be curious and tune in. It’s discovering how I am, what I think and ‘what’s the best way forward’ – all at a humane pace. This micro – practice, has enabled me to improve my coaching , develop my writing skills, and develop my intuitive voice and have better workplace relationships. As a result of pausing and reflecting I’ve had better conversations and experienced less misunderstandings.

Lots of authors excel in teaching us to pause and reflect deeply. Some of my favourites are:

Barbara Bassott, Jackee Holder and Julia Cameron, and of course my own book.

I hope you can take some time to discover your own space for pausing and reflective practice this autumn.