How to get coaching feedback

This month I’ve been reflecting on what are the questions and processes that we can use to gather feedback from coachees. 

What kind of feedback are we looking for?

I’m seeking both

  •  how the coachee is learning and progressing (reflection on progress) and
  • how is the way that I am working with the coachee  supporting them to learn or not (evaluation of coaching). 

There is a multitude of ways to gather feedback on the coachee’s journey that involve other stakeholders in the coaching relationship. 

But in this article I will just focus on the ways that I gather feedback from my coachees about the quality of coaching. 

In session

During the session I’m obviously always looking, listening, tuning in, noticing throughout the coaching relationship that I’m on the right track. 

But beyond that there are more explicit ways. I’m looking for ways of capturing authentic feedback that also encourage reflective thinking. However, I’m also looking for questions  I can ask when we just have a few minutes in session: 

‘What’s the balance like of challenge and support for you? ‘ 

‘The way that we are working together today – how is that for you?’ 

And ‘ What can  I do better, more of, or differently?’ 

Reflecting in writing

I also send a review document to coachees. 

This is a little broader, as it’s both a reflection on the coaching journey and a reflection on the quality of the coaching experience. 

Using this reflection document, I encourage coachees to take 10 minutes to consider how we work together and what they’re learning.

In this, I’m really looking for more than a pat on the back for both of us! I’m looking to

  • understand more about what’s happening between us in the coaching relationship that’s supporting the coachee to progress (or not)?  
  • see what else I can do even better for this coachee and future coachees. 

If they want, during this written reflection, coachees can also create a feedback testimonial that can be more publicly shared. 

This reflection document gets sent to me and  can be shared with other key stakeholders. 

How about you?

There’s obviously a huge amount to this topic and this is just an introductory blog. So let’s discuss: how do you get feedback from your coachees, both about what is working well in the coaching and what could be developed for a better working relationship and coachee experience? 

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